Luís Pungulanhe
PhD StudentLuis Amadeu Pungulanhe is conducting a Ph.D. in on the doctoral programme Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution by the University of Lisbon starting in 2024 within the Plant Funcional Ecology of CE3C. He is conducting the project Flower phenology in miombo ecosystem associated with beekeepers activities. Chimanimani National Park. Mozambique, under the supervision of Cristina Máguas, professor at Faculty of Sciencies, ULisboa and co-supervision by Natasha S. Ribeiro, full professor at Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique.
Project aims are: Characterize the phenological aspects of flowers in the miombo ecosystem such as flower colour, beginning of flowering, peak of flowering, end of flowering, beginning flowering duration, peak flowering duration, end-flowering duration, and total flowering duration; Characterize environmental factors such as temperature, altitude and rainfall and the relationship with phenological aspects; To relate phenological aspects and environmental factors to the honey production activity.
- Email: luispungulanhe@alunos.fc.ul.pt
- Web References: ORCID
- Research Group: Plant Functional Ecology