Like lichens, CE3C works symbiotically with different academic partners, both in Portugal and internationally, that span across various scientific domains and contribute to increase the collective impact on society.

Global Change and Sustainability Institute
CHANGE aims to produce new knowledge and promote scientific research and innovation activities that support the adaptation of public policies and the definition of new governance strategies that contribute to a resilient economy, reconciled with the environment, and efficient in terms of resources use.
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Smart Farm COLAB
Collaborative Laboratory for Digital Innovation in Agriculture
SFCOLAB is a quadruple-helix entity that brings together private companies, research institutions, universities, and society, interacting within a knowledge framework. Its mission is the development of innovative digital solutions and services, aiming to be a reference in Digital Agriculture in Portugal.
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Tropical College of the University of Lisbon
CTROP aims to develop transdisciplinary knowledge in tropical regions, in the various fields of the participating institutions, prioritising research, education, extension and cooperation, in conjunction with innovation and technology transfer, and strengthening ULisboa's role in science diplomacy.
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College on Polar and Extreme Environments of the University of Lisbon
Polar2E aims at creating synergies between excellent research teams of ULisboa in areas such as the cryosphere, climate modelling, ecology, remote sensing, constructing in extreme environments, astrobiology and aerospace engineering, linking them to other research domains in the University.
Learn moreThe dedication of CE3C researchers to their areas of intervention has been historically and notoriously evident in the leadership of civil society organisations that are also devoted to them, whether through professional promotion and valuation or through their ability to apply knowledge in response to tangible challenges on a national and European scales.
Recent and ongoing examples include the presidency of Liga para a Protecção da Natureza, Biodiversity4All Association, Grupo Lobo, the Portuguese Ecological Society, Ecological Restoration Network, Portuguese Association of Evolutionary Biology and Butterfly Conservation Centre, the European Ecology Federation, the vice-presidency of the Portuguese Entomological Society and European Society of Evolutionary Biology, and the election of members of the Centre for the Lisbon’s Academy of Science.