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Aducabe Bancessi
Afonso Grandela
Aladje Balde
Alejandra Ros Prieto
Alexandra M. Machado
Alexandre Blanckaert
Alice Nunes
Alisson Gontijo
Alzira Ramos
Amandine Pastor
Ana Carromeu-Santos
Ana Catarina Silva
Ana Cláudia Pereira de Oliveira
Ana Cristina Figueiredo
Ana Fuentes Sánchez
Ana Isabel Leal
Ana Isabel Vasconcelos Dias Correia
Ana Júlia Soares Pereira
Ana Luísa Barros
Ana Luísa Coderniz Picanço
Ana Margarida Coelho dos Santos
Ana Margarida Pereira de Azevedo Corrêa
Ana Margarida Santos
Ana Maria Pires
Ana Maria Seca
Ana Moura Arroz
Ana Paula Rosa
Ana Rainho
Ana Rita Caldas Patrício
Ana Rita de Heaton Ayres Ponce
Ana Sofia Laranjeira Lopes
Ana Sofia Reboleira
Anabela Martins
André Conceição Pereira
André Filipe Ribeiro Henriques
André Pinto da Silva
André Vizinho
Andreia Anjos
Andrés Garelli
Andy Gardner
António Onofre Soares
Artur Bastos Lourenço
Artur José Freire Gil
Artur Raposo Moniz Serrano
Audrey A. Grez
Beatriz C. Afonso
Beatriz Cunha Portinha
Beatriz Gameiro Ramos
Benzion Kotzen
Bernardo Rocha
Bianca Gomes
Bishwajit Roy
Bruna Aparecida Gomes Almeida
Bruna Paolinelli Reis
Bruna Sousa Martins
Bruno Martins Carreira
Bruno Nevado
Carina Reis
Carla Alegria
Carla José Azevedo Rego
Carlos Augusto Santos de Aguiar
Carlos Gravato
Carlos Rodríguez Fernandes
Carlota Ribeiro Sanches
Casparus Crous
Catarina Bota
Catarina Costa
Catarina Dias Coutinho
Catarina Drumonde Melo
Catarina Isabel Marques da Fonseca
Cecília Loff Pereira Sérgio da Costa Gomes
Célia Domingues
César Augusto Rodrigues Garcia
Christoph Friedrich Johannes Meyer
Clara Frasconi Wendt
Cristiana Almeida Aleixo
Cristina Antunes
Cristina Branquinho
Cristina Cruz
Cristina Máguas
Daniel Baptista Leal Alves
Daniel Silva
Daniela Pinto
David Avelar
David Draper Munt
David João Horta Lopes
Deodália Dias
Diogo Rodrigues Fernandes
Ednilson Mascarenhas Varela
Eduardo Manuel Graça Brito Valente Marabuto
Egídia Maria Valente de Azevedo
Élio Sucena
Elisabete Valério
Elizandra Matos
Elvira Lafuente
Enésima Pereira
Erik Van Bergen
Esther Marín González
Eva Monteiro
Fabiana de Oliveira Herédia
Fabiana Esposito
Fernanda Rosa
Fernando Ascensão
Fernando Miguel Madeira Ferreira Esteves
Fernando Pereira
Filipa Grilo
Filipa Macedo Coutinho de Oliveira Soares
Filipa Monteiro
Filipe de Portugal da Silveira Teixeira de Sousa
Filipe Duarte Santos
Filipe Miguel Teixeira de Sousa Bernardo
Filipe Moreira Alves
Flávio André Gomes Oliveira
Flore Zélé
Florian Ulm
Francisca Monteiro
Francisco Basílio
Francisco Dionísio
Francisco M. P. Gonçalves
Francisco Petrucci Fonseca
Francisco Pina-Martins
François Rigal
Gabor Lovei
Gabor Pozsgai
Gabriela Rodrigues
Generosa Teixeira
Gerardo Antonio Cordero
Gil Pessanha Penha-Lopes
Gonçalo João Barreto da Costa
Gonçalo Matias
Gonçalo Miranda Rosa
Gonçalo P. Rosa
Graça Oliveira
Guilherme Ares Pereira
Guilherme Oyarzabal da Silva
Guilherme Wagner Gutierrez Atencio
Guillermo Prieto Porriños
Helena C. Serrano
Helena Maria da Conceição Cotrim
Henrique Nuno Pinto Duarte Couto
Hugo Calado
Hugo Miguel Fernandes Gante
Hugo Pires Costa
Hugo Rebelo
Idoia Ariz Arnedo
Inês Bica Mendes
Inês Campos
Inês Catarina Gomes Marques
Inês Costa Pereira
Inês Domingues
Inês Ferreira
Inês Fragata
Inês Santos
Inês Teixeira do Rosário
Isabel M. Borges
Isabel R. Amorim
Ivo M. Chelo
Jagoba Malumbres-Olarte
Jaime Bosch Pérez
Jairo Patiño
Jéssica Garcia Uchôa
Jéssica Teodoro Paulo
Jhonny Capichoni Massante
Jiesper Pedersen
Joana Costa
Joana Guedes de Jesus
Joana Martelo
Joana Parente
Joana Pereira
João Antunes Jacinto
João Bernardo Barreiros
João Brandão
João Carlos Abreu Caramelo
João Limão
João Luís de Carvalho Baptista Ferreira
João M. Moreno
João Manuel Rodrigues Ferreira de Oliveira
João Meira Neto
João Pedro Barreiros
João Pedro Nunes
João Rebelo
Joaquim T. Tapisso
Joaquín Hortal
Jorge M. Palmeirim
José Alberto Quartau
José Carlos Lopes de Carvalho
José Matos
José Pedro Granadeiro
Juan Pablo Cancela
Julia Hanna Bentz
Juliana Mafalda Polido Monteiro
Juliana Melo
Juliane Menezes
Kamran Hyulahayovych Azmaliyev
Kasun H. Bodawatta
Laura Concostrina Zubiri
Leonardo Cotts
Leonor Rodrigues
Leticia Fernandes Duarte
Lia Ascensão
Lounès Chikhi
Lourdes Morillas Viñuales
Lucas Lamelas López
Lúcia Barão
Luís Carlos da Fonseca Crespo
Luís Catarino
Luís Filipe Dias
Luís Filipe Vieira da Silva Lopes
Luis Miguel Duarte Barcelos
Luís Miguel Moita de Carvalho
Luís Miguel Rosalino
Luísa Gigante Carvalheiro
Luiz Eduardo Rocha Corrêa Rielli
Mafalda Pinto Basto
Mafalda Pita
Maílis Carrilho
Manuel António Pinto Sapage
Manuel Carmo Gomes
Manuel Sá Sampaio
Manuela Giovanetti
Manuela Oliveira
Manuela Sim-Sim
Marco Ferrante
Margarida Maria Lucas de Almeida Souto Themudo Barata
Margarida Matos
Margarida Santana
Margarida Santos-Reis
Margarita Patricia Florencio Diaz
Maria Alexandra Oliveira
Maria Amélia Martins-Loução
Maria Ana Dias
Maria Cristina Duarte
Maria Cruz Diaz Antunes-Barradas
Maria da Luz Mathias
Maria do Carmo Barreto
Maria do Mar Oom
Maria Filomena Caeiro
Maria Filomena Magalhães
Maria Helena Trindade
Maria Ireneia Moita de Melo
Maria José Caramujo Rocha de Carvalho
Maria Judite Silva Cardoso Alves
Maria Leonor Ubach Chaves Sucena Paiva
Maria Romeiras
Maria Teresa Dias
Maria Teresa Monteiro da Rocha Bravo Ferreira
Maria Teresa Rebelo
Mariana Estorninho da Mata Santana Ramos
Mariana Moniz Viveiros
Mariana P. Fernandes
Mariana Viegas
Mário Boieiro
Mariya Kozak
Marta Alexandra Arandas dos Santos
Marta Alves Antunes
Martim Afonso Geraldes
Martin Beal
Mauro Santos
Melanie Köbel Batista
Miguel Cruz
Miguel Rodrigues
Mónica Carneiro da Silva
Mónica Rodrigues
Mónica V. Cunha
Niels Nitzsche
Noelline Tsafack Menessong
Octávio S. Paulo
Olga Ameixa
Oscar Godoy del Olmo
Otília Correira
Pablo Carril Vaglini
Paola Sierra-Baquero
Patrícia Alexandra Pereira Chaves
Patrícia Alexandra Pinheiro dos Santos
Patrícia Beldade
Patrícia Correia
Patrícia Garcia Pereira
Patrícia Gomes de Almeida
Patrícia Pereira Lopes
Patrícia Tiago
Patrícia Ventura Garcia
Paula Cristina Pinto Simões
Paula Gonçalves
Paula Lopes
Paulo A. V. Borges
Paulo Jorge Quintais Cancela da Fonseca
Paulo Miguel Pinheiro de Sousa
Pedro Beça
Pedro Cardoso
Pedro Guilherme Pereira Martins da Silva
Pedro Jorge Gonçalves Vaz
Pedro Miguel Correia
Pedro Miguel Gameiro dos Santos
Pedro Peixe e Sousa
Pedro Pinho
Pedro Simões
Rafael Faria Silvestre Matias
Rafaela de Paula Tiengo
Raquel Barata
Raquel C. Mendes
Raquel Gonçalves Mendes
Raquel Kissanga
Raul Costa Pereira
Rebeca Zanini
Ricardo Dias
Ricardo Encarnação Coelho
Ricardo Faustino de Lima
Ricardo Filipe Duarte da Cruz de Carvalho
Ricardo Jorge Lopes
Ricardo Pires da Costa
Ricardo Rocha
Rita Carlos
Rita Eusébio
Rita Maria Pulido Garcia Zilhão
Rita Monarca
Rita S. Andrade
Roberto A. Keller
Rosalina Gabriel
Rúben Sousa de Oliveira
Rui Bento Elias
Rui Rebelo
Sandra Oliveira
Sara Bento
Sara Filipa da Silva Lucas Sousa Vicente
Sara Lobo Dias
Sara Magalhães
Sébastien Lhoumeau
Sergio Chozas
Sílvia Carvalho
Silvia Raquel Moço Catarino
Simone Aparecida Vieira
Sina Besharat
Sofia Augusto
Sofia Costa
Sofia I. Gabriel
Sofia L. Mendes
Sofia Lino
Sólveig Thorsteinsdóttir
Sophie von Merten
Sophie Wallon
Soraia Sofia Coutinho Bandeira Martins
Susana G. Martins
Susana Maria Gouveia e Sá Ventura Fontinha
Susana Santos Lopes
Tarso de Menezes Macedo Costa
Tatiana Carina Moreira Pinhal
Teresa Catry
Teresa Nogueira
Teresa Santos
Thomas Matthews
Tiago Capela Lourenço
Tiziana Di Lorenzo
Tomás da Silva Pinto
Tomás Leonardo Teixeira de Calheiros e Menezes
Vanessa Ribeiro
Vanézia Rocha
Vasco Valdez
Vasco Veiga Branco
Vera Lúcia Martins Nunes
Virgílio Fernando Ferreira Vieira
Vítor Sousa
Vladimíra Dekan Carreira
Wilson Rodrigues Tavares
Zulema Varela Rio
Team Member
All Publications
41 Publications
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Past Publications
Author (A - Z)
Research Paper
Hotspots of biogeochemical activity linked to aridity and plant traits across global drylands
Research Paper
Response of soil carbon and plant diversity to grazing and precipitation in High Nature Value farmlands
Research Paper
Shifts in plant functional groups along an aridity gradient in a tropical dry forest
Research Paper
Where the not-so-wild things are in cities? The influence of social-ecological factors in urban trees at multiple scales
Research Paper
The added value of the long-term ecological research network to upscale restoration in Europe
Research Paper
Grasses don’t always win: Short-term effects of fertilization on taxonomic and functional diversity of a Mediterranean annual grassland
Other Publications
A gestão do pastoreio para restaurar os serviços de ecossistema e promover a resiliência do montado às alterações climáticas
Research Paper
Monitoring spatiotemporal changes in global change drivers and their effects on semiarid woodlands and forests—Fieldwork protocol
Research Paper
Rescuing Botany: using citizen-science and mobile apps in the classroom and beyond
Research Paper
More than trees: Stand management can be used to improve ecosystem diversity, structure and functioning 20 years after forest restoration in drylands
Research Paper
A comment on “International principles and standards for the ecological restoration and recovery of mine sites”—useful but limited
Research Paper
Grazing and ecosystem service delivery in global drylands
Research Paper
How Do Taxonomic and Functional Diversity Metrics Change Along an Aridity Gradient in a Tropical Dry Forest?
Research Paper
Local-scale factors matter for tree cover modelling in Mediterranean drylands
Research Paper
Seed removal decrease by invasive Argentine ants in a high Nature Value farmland
Research Paper
Phylogenetic structure of understorey annual and perennial plant species reveals opposing responses to aridity in a Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot
Research Paper
Temporary grazing exclusion as a passive restoration strategy in a dryland woodland: Effects over time on tree regeneration and on the shrub community
Research Paper
Bottom-up cascading effects of quarry revegetation deplete bird-mediated seed dispersal services
Research Paper
Framework for Climate Change Adaptation of Agriculture and Forestry in Mediterranean Climate Regions
Research Paper
Framing the application of Adaptation Pathways for agroforestry in Mediterranean drylands
Research Paper
Local environmental variables are key drivers of ant taxonomic and functional beta-diversity in a Mediterranean dryland
Research Paper
Ant functional structure and diversity changes along a post-grazing succession in Mediterranean oak woodlands
Research Paper
Beyond the green: Assessing quarry restoration success through plant and beetle communitie
Research Paper
The response of plant functional traits to aridity in a tropical dry forest
Research Paper
From species presences to abundances: Using unevenly collected plant species presences to disclose the structure and functioning of a dryland ecosystem
Research Paper
Using a space-for-time approach to select the best biodiversity-based indicators to assess the effects of aridity on Mediterranean drylands
Books & Book Chapters
Chapter 3.11 - Land restoration for achieving SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, resilient and sustainable
Books & Book Chapters
Chapter 3.13 - Land restoration for achieving SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Books & Book Chapters
Essential biodiversity change indicators for evaluating the effects of Anthropocene in ecosystems at a global scale
Research Paper
Local topographic and edaphic factors largely predict shrub encroachment in Mediterranean drylands
Research Paper
Nutrient addition and drought interact to change the structure and decrease the functional diversity of a Mediterranean grassland
Research Paper
Tracking tree canopy cover changes in space and time in High Nature Value Farmland to prioritize reforestation efforts
Research Paper
Tracking global change using lichen diversity: towards a global-scale ecological indicator
Research Paper
Which plant traits respond to aridity? A critical step to assess functional diversity in Mediterranean drylands
Research Paper
Soil indicators to assess the effectiveness of restoration strategies in dryland ecosystems
Research Paper
Ecological restoration across the Mediterranean Basin as viewed by practitioners
Books & Book Chapters
Mapping and assessment of forest ecosystems and their services – Applications and guidance for decision making in the framework of MAES
Books & Book Chapters
Mapping production of biomass by annual plants in Mediterranean evergreen woodlands: Portuguese woodlandsMapping production of biomass by annual plants in Mediterranean evergreen woodlands: Portuguese woodlands
Research Paper
Seasonal patterns of Mediterranean evergreen woodlands (Montado) are explained by long-term precipitation
Research Paper
Lichen traits responding to aridity